What is Mental Health ?

What is Mental Health ?

Posted by Nigel Harris on

Our entire well-being, which involves our emotional, psychological, and social health, is greatly influenced by our mental health. It’s more than just not having a mental illness; it also involves how successfully we manage difficulties in life, build wholesome relationships, and make significant contributions to society. 

Mental health involves finding a balance between our ideas, feelings, and actions to deal with life's challenges with courage and a sense of purpose.

What Does Mental Health Mean?

A person's intrapersonal, emotional, and social well-being are all included in their mental health, which greatly impacts how they connect with others, handle stress, and make decisions. The ability to manage life's highs and lows, build and maintain healthy relationships, work efficiently, and make wise decisions are indicators of good mental health.

Most importantly, mental health is a dynamic and ever-changing component of our lives. Mental health needs to be taken care of, just as our physical health does.

Recognizing the uniqueness of each individual's mental health journey is key to understanding and prioritizing mental health. One's mental health is affected by a variety of factors, including environment, personal coping methods, life experiences, and in some cases, genetics.

By understanding the significance of mental health, we may make efforts to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illnesses and create a society that values and encourages the health of all individuals.

What is Mental Illness?

Mental illness is a spectrum of conditions that influence a person's thinking, emotions, behavior, and mood. These conditions have the potential to affect an individual's daily life, relationships, and overall functioning. Mental illnesses are diverse and can vary in severity, ranging from common disorders like anxiety and depression to more complex conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Key Points About Mental Illness:

  • Not a Sign of Weakness: It's essential to debunk the idea that mental illness reflects weakness or a deficient character. Mental health conditions are medical issues, similar to physical illnesses, and they can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, background, or socioeconomic status

  • Treatment Options: Mental illnesses are manageable, and numerous individuals with mental health conditions can lead happy lives with suitable treatment and support. Treatment options may include therapy, counseling, medication, lifestyle adjustments, and support from friends and family.

  • Stigma and Discrimination: Unfortunately, stigma and discrimination associated with mental health still exist in multiple societies. These negative views might make it difficult for people to ask for help and increase feelings of loneliness. Encouraging understanding and increasing knowledge are crucial steps in the fight against stigmatization.

Is Mental Health a Social Issue?

Yes, mental health is a social issue, and its impact extends far beyond that. The social aspects of mental health are how society perceives, understands, and responds to mental health challenges. Therefore, understanding mental illness is necessary to create a more accepting and inclusive society.

It also requires education, empathy, and an honest conversation. Individuals can work to create an atmosphere where others with mental health disorders feel comfortable asking for help and getting the support they need by raising awareness and eliminating stigmas.

Symptoms of Poor Mental Health

Identifying Mental Health Issues and Symptoms of Poor Mental Health:

Identifying mental health problems is crucial for early intervention and support. While mental health is complex and individualized, certain common indicators may suggest the possibility of mental health issues. 

It's important to note that displaying these symptoms doesn't necessarily confirm the presence of a specific mental illness; instead, they may indicate emotional distress or a need for additional assistance.

General Symptoms Associated With Poor Mental Health:

  • Being overcome by intense, prolonged grief, or other emotions.
  • Experiencing sleep disturbances, such as excessive sleeping or sleeplessness.
  • Staying away from social events and get-togethers that you used to enjoy with friends, family, or other people.
  • Inability to focus, make decisions, or finish tasks.
  • Unexplainable weight gain or reduction and noticeable changes in eating habits.
  • Having constant exhaustion and not having enough energy for daily tasks.
  • Feeling more agitated or frustrated than normal and having a short temper.
  • Physical signs could go unrecognized, such as headaches or stomach issues.
  • Keeping a negative attitude about the future
  • Growing dependence as a coping method on drugs, alcohol, or other substances.
  • Thoughts of hurting oneself or others
  • Failing to handle difficulties and demands efficiently.

It's important to realize that occasional moments of stress, sadness, or low energy are a part of the human experience. Nevertheless, if these symptoms persist and start to disrupt daily life, work, or relationships, they may signal a more significant mental health concern.

If you or someone you know is struggling with these symptoms, it is advisable to seek professional assistance from a mental health professional, counselor, or therapist.

Factors Influencing Mental Health

Several factors contribute to influencing an individual's mental health. Mental health results from various elements, including:

Biological Factors

Individuals may be predisposed to specific mental health issues due to genetics and family history. An additional factor in mental health illnesses can be chemical abnormalities in the brain.

Brain Chemistry

The brain's signal-transmitting chemicals, or neurotransmitters, are essential for controlling mood and emotions. These neurotransmitter imbalances may affect mental health.

Life Experiences

Traumatic events, abuse, or significant life changes can have a profound impact on mental health. Positive experiences and a supportive environment can contribute to resilience and well-being.

Environmental Stressors

Factors such as financial difficulties, work-related stress, living conditions, and exposure to environmental toxins can contribute to mental health issues.

Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood experiences, including neglect, abuse, or dysfunctional family dynamics, can influence mental health later in life.

Cultural and Societal Factors

Cultural attitudes toward mental health, societal expectations, and access to mental health resources can influence an individual's mental health.

Personality Factors

Resilience or vulnerability in the face of stressors can be linked to specific personality traits and coping methods. 

Physical Health

Physical health and mental health are interconnected. Chronic illnesses, medication side effects, or hormonal imbalances can affect mental health.

Access to Resources

Availability of resources, including healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, can impact mental health outcomes.

Trauma and Loss

Experiencing trauma or significant loss, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job, can have lasting effects on mental health.

How to Manage And Improve Mental Health

Adopting positive lifestyle choices, seeking help, and practicing self-care — are all essential to maintaining good mental health. 

Strategies to manage and improve mental health:

  • Seek Professional Help

  • Consider getting assistance from a mental health expert, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist, if you're dealing with ongoing mental health issues. They can offer you guidance, assistance, and evidence-based treatments that are customized to meet your requirements.

  • Build a Support System

  • Cultivate strong connections with friends, family, and community.

  • Practice Self-Care

  • Make self-care activities that encourage rest and stress relief a priority. This may involve doing things you enjoy, getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness techniques like yoga and meditation, and getting regular exercise.

  • Set Realistic Goals

  • Establish achievable goals and break them into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, to boost self-esteem and motivation.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices

  • A balanced diet, plenty of water, and refraining from excessive coffee, alcohol, and drug usage are all recommended.

  • Establish Routine

  • Creating a regular routine can help one feel more stable and in control because it provides structure and predictability.

  • Limit Screen Time

  • Reduce exposure to negative information on social media and news. Setting boundaries on screen time can prevent information overload and improve mental health.

  • Express Yourself

  • Find healthy outlets to express your thoughts and emotions, whether through journaling, art, or talking to someone you trust. Expression can aid in processing and understanding emotions.

  • Learn to Manage Stress

  • Learn effective stress-reduction strategies, like setting realistic expectations, time management, and problem-solving skills. 

  • Medication and Therapy

  • Follow your doctor's advice regarding any medication regimen if it is prescribed. Furthermore, therapy—such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT—has the potential to be incredibly successful in controlling mental health.

  • Educate Yourself

  • Learn more about mental health, including understanding your specific condition because education fosters self-awareness.

  • Connect with Nature

  • Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature has positive effects on mental health. Take walks, hike, or simply enjoy the natural environment.

    Using these techniques regularly can help you manage stress, develop resilience, and enhance your mental health in general. It's crucial to keep in mind that each person's journey towards mental health is different and that asking for help is a sign of strength.


    Mental health treatment is important for everyone's well-being. It helps people deal with their emotions and improves their overall quality of life. At Dare2Wear, we understand that mental health issues affect a lot of individuals, and we want to contribute positively towards healing through art.

    The importance of mental health treatment and Dare2Wear stands as a testament to the potential for positive change when these two elements merge. Through our commitment to creative self-expression, we hope to play a part in the broader movement to prioritize mental health, reduce stigma, and create a more compassionate and supportive society.

    Article Sources

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • “About Mental Health: What is Mental Health?”


  • PACE: Positive Attitude Changes Everything
  • “Is Mental Health a Social Issue?”


  • National Insitute of Mental Health
  • “Caring For Your Mental Health”


    Resources for Mental Health

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
  • Website: www.nami.org

    NAMI is a leading advocacy organization providing information, support, and resources for individuals and families affected by mental illness.

  • Mental Health America (MHA)
  • Website: www.mhanational.org

    MHA offers mental health screening tools, educational resources, and advocacy for mental health awareness.

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
  • Website: www.samhsa.gov

    SAMHSA provides resources, treatment locators, and information on substance abuse and mental health services.

  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):
  • Website: www.nimh.nih.gov

    NIMH is part of the National Institutes of Health and offers research-based information on mental health disorders.

  • Psychology Today - Therapy Directory:
  • Website: www.psychologytoday.com

    Offers a directory of mental health professionals and a wealth of articles on mental health topics.

    Remember, these resources are not a substitute for professional advice. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek immediate help by calling emergency services or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Website: suicidepreventionlifeline.org

    The Lifeline provides confidential support for individuals in crisis or emotional distress.

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